
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2024

"Pokochaj Boski Wybór"

"Czeka nas wieczny raj"

"Don't forget to love God in His creation!"

"Pan Bóg uwielbia zaskakiwać!"

"Żyj tak, jak żyją dzieci raju!"

"Ufaj, Jezus się wszystkim zajmie!"

"Miłość Boga może odrodzić wszystko"

"Jaka miłość, taki raj"

"Live Paradise on Earth"

"I am a part of a big fairy tale written by God"

"She is a wild lovely child"

"Search for the signs of God's love in this world!"

"Follow your childhood dreams about paradise!"

"Live as the children of paradise live!"

"Heaven on Earth is possible!"

"If God is my Father, I must to be a goddess"

"Be a unique child of God's paradise!"

"Be a paradise girl in this modern world!"

"Go to find paradise inside of your own heart!"

"I am safe, free and loved in the arms of my Creator!"

"Dream your own paradise dream!"

"You are a holy child of God"

"Dream about paradise with me as the mermaid use to dream!"

"Sacred Child Of Paradise" (The Art Of Me & My Living)