
Wyświetlanie postów z sierpień, 2022

"Paradise is a state of mind, not a place to find"

"I'm the new future"

"Don't wait for Heaven, become it"

"God created me so mad"

"You can't explain love, you have to feel it deeply in your heart"

"Be the magic you want to see in this world"

"Z Jezusem możesz wszystko"

"Walk with your God"

"Live fully and with all your heart for God"

"Rainbow Goddess" (My Summer Photoshoots)

"Paradise On Earth" (My Enchanted Photo Session)

"Follow your inner magic"

"Służ Bogu, a całe Niebiosa będą służyć tobie"

"She's a God's daughter, she's a little goddess"

"Live me alone and let me dream..."

"I live a heaven on earth"

"Her life is a beautiful fairytale"

"When a mermaid wants to live on earth, antyhing is possible for her!"

"Celebrate yourself every day"

"Live the life you dream of"

"I feel like God dreamed about me all this time..."

"Sometimes you need to break so many world rules to be truly happy"

"Some angels fly, and some just a walk beside"

"Bóg wróży swoim dzieciom wieczną miłość"

"They kicked me out of this world"

"Clear your heart from all what is not a love"

"She'll stay a flower child by the whole her life"

"Everyone have a right to be loved!"