
Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2022

"Realise the dream of your true self"

"Be a real fairytale walking brave on earth"

"Make every day of your life the little piece of art"

"Be grateful for all the good things happened in your life"

"Cudowny Bóg"

"Holy Child Of God"

"Jesus will protect you from demons"

"We come from Paradise"

"No one will love you like God"

"Imagine paradise and live there inside of your own heart"

"Live a happy life of a child of paradise"

"We came here from Paradise and one day we'll back there on forever"

"Love Much"

"Our life is a dream of Heaven"

"Wszyscy marzymy o Raju"

"Jesteś dziedzicem Raju"

"Believe in God"

"I'm the wonderful creature of God's love"

"Be a free and happy God's child"

"Give Paradise"

"Fairytale Princess" (My Portraits)

"Be the living love on this enchanted planet"

"I believe in all the fairy tales of eternal God's love"

"Our future houses in the paradise"

"I believe in the Kingdom of Heaven"

"Spring is so romantic, just like my God is"