Wyświetlanie postów z sierpień, 2022
"Paradise is a state of mind, not a place to find"
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"You can't explain love, you have to feel it deeply in your heart"
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"Be the magic you want to see in this world"
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"Live fully and with all your heart for God"
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"Paradise On Earth" (My Enchanted Photo Session)
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"Służ Bogu, a całe Niebiosa będą służyć tobie"
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"She's a God's daughter, she's a little goddess"
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"When a mermaid wants to live on earth, antyhing is possible for her!"
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"I feel like God dreamed about me all this time..."
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"Sometimes you need to break so many world rules to be truly happy"
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"Some angels fly, and some just a walk beside"
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"Clear your heart from all what is not a love"
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"She'll stay a flower child by the whole her life"
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