
Wyświetlanie postów z 2022

"Share your love and joy with everyone"

"Create fairy tale life hand in hand with your God"

"Be happy, because you have so many reasons to be!"

"Jesus loves me"

"Raj w jednej chwili"

"Mam tylko miłość Boga"

"Bóg wyprzedza nasze marzenia"

"Nikt nie kocha cię bardziej niż Bóg"

"Fell in love with your God"

"Happy Birthday Dear Jesus"

"Nothing beyond God's love"

"Wake up your inner child!"

"Stay true to your heart"

"The love of God is so good to my heart"

"Hug me tight to your loving heart my furry God"

"My Christmas true love"

"This is a big big love"

"I finally found my boyfriend here"

"Lay all your love on God's heart"

"Have a grateful and happy heart in this Christmas time"

"We are exists for God's and our dreams"

"Be a little dream maker"

"Give love of God to all the people around"

"Create a childhood dreams"

"Just like a child"

"Have a happy eternal childhood to every God's child"

"Be a good God's child"

"I love my life so so much!"

"Don't worry, God care of you"

"God will build an eternal home for my soul"

"Be a God's little Christmas angel by all the year"

"I'm an angel with devilish ambition"

"We're just a children, and we all only want to be loved"